- format text files
first line is $head
the other lines is $body
- step1:
click "add" button for adding text files into listbox.
click "delete" button for deleting selected items from listbox.
click "clear" button for clearing all item in listbox.
Then please click "step2"
- step2:
choose the templet file.
fill your keyword into editbox for those file(If none,please keep it
fill description into editbox for those file(If none,please keep it
Then please click "setp3"
- step3:
Output filepath(must fill this blank)
Output filename
Start number(must be a integer number)
Note:The output filename will be named by "filename+startnumber",startnuber
auto add 1 each times.
Do create a index file?(index.htm")
Your home title:(only register copy)
Your home url:(only register copy)